University of Graz and ICC International Court of Arbitration

I am Independent Arbitrator and professor of arbitration law at the University of Graz. As from 1 July 2024, I am also member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration.

Lectures and conferences

I have frequently lectured at arbitral institutions and private seminar events. I also regularly act as a (co)-organiser of conferences. The following is a list of my lectures from 2015 to-date.

  • April 2024: “Die IBA-Richtlinien zur Parteivertretung in internationalen Schiedsverfahren“ (“The IBA Guidelines  on Party Representation in International Arbitration”), seminar organized by Forschungszentrum für Berufsrecht (ZBR) of the University of Graz.
  • March 2024: „The Use of AI in Arbitration – Arbitrators’ Perspective” Hamburg International Arbitration Days (HIAD).
  • February 2024: „Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy: Empfehlen sich Regeln der UNCITRAL zu E-Awards und elektronischer Verfahrenseinleitung?“ DIS Lunch-Discussion (online) (moderator).
  • November 2023: “Die Souveränität des Vollstreckungsgerichts” (“The autonomy of the Court of Enforcement”), Address at the occasion of Below40@Vierländer-Konferenz.
  • June 2023: “La deontologia dell’arbitro” (“Professional rules for arbitrators”), Training Course organized by the Milan Chamber of Arbitration.
  • January 2023: “International Arbitration in Challenging Times”, Forum International Commercial Contracts and Dispute Resolution (ICCDR), organisation together with Walter Doralt.
  • September 2022: “Praxis der Prozessfinanzierung bei (nationalen und internationalen) Schiedsverfahren”, Research Centre Deontology, University of Graz.
  • June 2022: “Schiedsgerichte in der Insolvenz”, Lecture at the occasion of the 80th birthday of Wolfgang Jelinek.
  • February 2022: “Die Wiener Regeln 2021”, University of Graz, Forum International Commercial Contracts and Dispute Resolution (ICCDR), organisation together with Walter Doralt (webinar).
  • December 2021: “Getting the Arbitration Started – Wie man erfolgreich ein Schiedsverfahren einleitet: Dos und Don’ts aus der Praxis”, AWAK – Special Seminar, together with Venus Valentina Wong (webinar).
  • August 2021: “Virtual hearings – from a necessity to a real alternative”, Panel discussion at the occasion of the Baltic Arbitration Days 2021 (hybrid).
  • March 2021: “Staatliche Gerichtsbarkeit und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit”, Grazer Privatrechtlicher Dialog, organized by Walter Doralt, University of Graz, together with Matthias Neumayr (webinar).
  • March 2021: “Die Relevanz und Verlässlichkeit des Zeugenbeweises in internationalen Schiedsverfahren”, arbaut-seminar, together with Lyane Sautner, University of Linz, and Florian Haugeneder (Webinar).
  • March 2021: “Keine Angst vor dem Schiedsverfahren”, symposium organised by Schiedsgericht Salzburg, together with Venus Valentina Wong and Matthias Neumayr (webinar).
  • December 2020: “Automated Decision-Making in the Field of International Arbitration: Risks and Challenges”, Mosolinskie Readings, organized under the auspices of Kutafin Moscow State Law University (webinar).
  • December 2020: “The 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules”, Webinar by ICC Austria, together with Gerold Zeiler.
  • October 2020: „Automatisiertes Entscheiden und Künstliche Intelligenz in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit“ / [Automated Decision-making and AI in Arbitration], Symposium by the science cluster SMART REGULATION of the University of Graz (Online).
  • February 2020: “Dealing with Italian Companies: Opportunities and Challenges”, Panel discussion, organized by Milan Chamber of Arbitration and White & Case (Frankfurt).
  • January 2020: “Streit lösen? Aber richtig”, Panel discussion, organized by Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark (Graz).
  • September 2019: “Incentives for efficiency in the new CAM and VIAC Rules”, Joint Conference of UNCITRAL, VIAC and the Milan Chamber of Arbitration (Vienna) (moderator).
  • September 2019: “Schiedsfähigkeit von Erbsachen – Länderbericht Österreich”, Swiss Association for Arbitration in Inheritance Matters (SVSiE) (Zurich).
  • June 2019: “Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies in Construction Arbitration”, Centre for Construction Law and Dispute Resolution, King’s College (London).
  • May 2019: “Das ‘Berufsbild’ des Schiedsrichters und der Weg zum ‘Schiedsrichterberuf'”, Joint Seminar by the Universities of Hanover and Graz (Graz).
  • March 2019: “Adaptation of Contracts by Arbitral Tribunals”, Joint Seminar by Lomonosov State University and Russian Arbitration Centre, together with Milos Ivkovic (Moscow).
  • January 2019: “Neue Technologien in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit”, 3. Salzburger Schiedsgerichts-Dialog (Salzburg).
  • January 2019: “Setting Aside of Awards  –  The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Austrian Supreme Court and the New Hungarian Act from the Perspective of another Model Law Country”, Joint Seminar of Eötvös Loránd University, the Hungarian Ministry of Justice and the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Budapest).
  • November 2018: “Arbitration in the Digital Age 2.0” (interactive online Seminar).
  • October 2018: “Technology and Innovation in International Arbitration”, Dutch Arbitration Day (Amsterdam).
  • September 2018: “M&A Schiedsverfahren”, Joint Seminar VIAC and University of Graz (Graz).
  • June 2018: “New Trends in Institutional Rules – An Italian Perspective”, CILS Arbitration Symposium (Salzburg).
  • May 2018: „Zur Bedeutung der IBA Guidelines on Party Representation in International Arbitration“, joint seminar by the Universities of Hanover and Graz (Seeshaupt / Lake Starnberg).
  • April 2018: “La redazione delle clausole arbitrali”, ARBIMEDIA (Turin).
  • March 2018: “Arbitration in the Digital Age – Challenges for Counsel and Arbitrators”, X Belgrade Arbitration Conference (Belgrade).
  • Jan. 2018: “Sonderfragen erbrechtlicher Schiedsverfahren”, Bar Association of Salzburg (Salzburg).
  • Nov. 2017: “Il centro arbitrale della Camera austriaca dell’economia (VIAC) – caratteristiche e vantaggi”, VIAC (Triest and Padua).
  • 2017: “Kriterien für Kostenersatz”, Dreiländer-Konferenz 2017 (Zurich).
  • 2017: „Justiziable Materien vor dem Schiedsgericht“, Bar Association of Salzburg (Salzburg).
  • 2017: “Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Nutzen und Vorteile für steirische Unternehmen”, Bar Association of Styria and VIAC (Graz).
  • 2016: “Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators and Experts”, Lecture at the University of Wurzburg (Wurzburg).
  • 2016: “Enforcement of arbitration awards”, 5th DIS Baltic Arbitration Days (Riga).
  • 2016: “Is there a place for mediation during arbitral proceedings and what is its role?”, UNCITRAL-LAC (Ljubljana).
  • 2016: “Document Production and Discovery: What Can Be Added to the Classic Discussion?”, YACF (Helsinki).
  • 2015: “(Internationales) Erbrecht: Aktuelle Reformen und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit” (Graz).
  • 2015: “Die Besetzung von Schiedsgerichten zwischen Parteiautonomie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit” (Graz).
  • 2015: “The Interplay between the Contractual Expert and the Arbitral Tribunal in Price Adjustment Arbitrations”, CEPANI/VIAC (Brussels).
  • 2015: “Jurisdiction of the ICC Emergency Arbitrator and Prerequisites for Interim Relief”, Lomonossov Pre-Moot (Moscow).
  • 2015: Inhouse Seminar “Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung” at a non-Austrian packaging manufacturer.

Membership in arbitral institutions and associations

Ongoing contacts with colleagues from the arbitration community are a privilege and an excellent basis for good collaboration with colleagues in a spirit of trust and confidence.

  • ASA Swiss Arbitration Association
  • arbaut Österreichische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
  • Chamber of Arbitration of Milan
  • DIS German Institution of Arbitration
  • ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR
  • LIS – Liechtensteiner Schiedsverein
  • UNCITRAL Working Group II – Technology-related dispute resolution